Tuesday, April 30, 2013

cry cry baby

I am listening to one of my favorite artist

Janis Joplin
I was raised listening to Me and Bobby McGee
my all time favorite song of hers is Piece of my Heart
i totally get into that song
its an emotional one, and gets to me every time

so today is Janis Joplin day =)
i still cry every time i watch the Rose
she was such a lonely soul
all she wanted was someone to love her

Janis Joplin is one of the 27 club members
such tragedy that these artist die so young
over 40 of them
among the list are Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, and Jim Morrison

music always makes me feel better
and yes



quiet on the set

ah yes
seems lately our little city has been popular with filming
whether it be movies, series, or a documentary
there is always someone filming somewhere around here
almost daily

we must be cheap =-) (giggle)

anyways, some time ago
we had someone come here and shot for a series 
they did street scenes
it was quite interesting
to watch a car go down the street on a trailer
while a camera is filming
quite funny actually

but today they are shooting inside
and around the grounds here at work
cause we have extremely old and historic buildings here
and this show is a detective show
i think its about a detective searching for a serial killer
and its many years later

they are shooting right now, next door at an old high school that has been vacant for about 30 years
Matthew McConaughey, who won my heart in The Wedding Planner, is the main actor in this series


Untitled Detective Project

 Two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, lives become entangled during a 17-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana.

I will keep watching
Security is out there
and i am quite sure that when he comes, we will know

i am glad they took some of the boards off the windows
the smell of mold and cat urine is overwhelming in there
but there is so much history in there
including an auditorium that could be gorgeous
the wood work is amazing
the city has applied for a grant to restore this school that most of our city had attended at one time

not too long ago the SyFy channel was here filming a movie called "ghost shark"
they filmed for a day in our building

i am pleased that so many people are coming here to film
its not just in the big city of New Orleans anymore, its in the little surrounding places
like my little city!!!

This is inside the high school
there are many pictures with little dots
i believe they are aura's
i cant help but think its children
or maybe even the teachers

how can this place NOT BE HAUNTED!!!!?????

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Go Saints!

Ah yes
The draft is happening
We got some good. Got rid of some good ....which I hate!!! They traded one of my favorite players Ivory :(
But......lets hope they know what they are doing

So are ya ready for some football????

Cause I am!!
I need this. It's my distraction !!!
I can't wait to go to the first home game. We are going to be so loud the roof is going to come off the dome.

My sons GF is such a doll. She is the daughter I never had. Her and I get along so well. Her mom got this cheerleader doll for me. She has blond hair and brown eyes just like me and she has lucky green stones in her ears and on her ribbons. She is so cute!!!

Hopefully with this cute little cheerleaders help we will have a good season this year.

Who dat baby!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

if love was enough

i'd wrap it around you.........

he stopped loving her today

RIP George Jones

I believe

I Believe... 

That you can do something in an instant
That will give you heartache for life

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Best sister award

So according to my sister
I get this award


I have not stopped
She bought a new house
Which needed lots of cosmetic surgery
Tender loving care

And that's what I have been doing for a week now
I have not stopped
My thighs will be in shape
And painting

I have been over there every night till midnight or 1am
Non stop

Not that I don't enjoy spending time with her
We giggle about the stupidest things

Recently we have been focusing on a video we found on tosh.o
Oh my god
It's a stripper that shoots water out of her butt
I know right ??
What the.......????
First off
How does one come upon this thought of actually putting water inside of you and shooting it out?!?
Oh wait....I have a good idea....the guys will love it .......
Um no.....they got up and ran

Can you imagine when they go home
"Honey, you smell like sh*t"
"Oh yes dear, I was at the strip club again "
*Rolls eyes*

I guess it's better than glitter

So she brought me flowers and has been buying me lunch/dinner/ ice cream and a new wallet. I could get use to this.

I love my sis
And honestly I can't imagine not helping her get settled in her new home

By the way
The moon is bright tonight

full moon

ah yes
its that time of year

of course it is
thats why everything has been so whack
thats why all the crazy people are calling my office
and thats why i feel so BLAH!!!

its the FULL MOON!!!
dam it

phone call:
lady: "there is a fire in Kenner, where is it?"
me: "um, i have no idea, didnt even know there was a fire"
lady: "well......(silence)...."
me: "you can call the fire department"
lady:  "oh, ok, thank you"
me:  "you are welcome"
hang up

are people THAT crazy!?!
why yes, Michele......yes they are

kinda like yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus
Yes, Michele there are crazy people in this world


no way

as much as i love the full moon
the way it lights up the night
especially out in the country
where there are no street lights
no porch lights
lay down in the grass, look up, watch the stars
just me and the moon
lovely <3 br="" nbsp="">

i see the moon
and the moon sees me

but the crazy people DO tend to come out

so watch out
hide your children and pets

keep your eyes open

i saw a change in you

why do i always try to change myself
if someone likes me for me
why am i always wanting to try to change?

i might seem like someone who is confident
and believes in herself
but when it really comes down to it
i am very scared and unsure
my self esteem is low, and i have no confidence in myself at all
i might smile and look like i know what i am doing
but i really dont

yes i am broken
yes i am damaged
yes i know you cant fix me
only i can fix me

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

yes, there comes a time.....

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.

You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.

Forget the bad, and focus on the good.

Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

~Life goes on...never end it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Recent events

I can't help but believe the recent events in Boston have affected me in some ways

These acts are sometimes over done on social media and the news and people do tend to get carried away

But I also believe that the victims and their loved ones have to know that people out there care

We can't just sit back and be silent
I for one am one of those that share my feelings in twitter and Facebook.
If I feel strong enough about something
You are going to read about it
I hope that the out poor of genuine concern and care have reached these victims and their families
They are not forgotten

I don't know who did this and why
And it is not for me to try and find out
And I can't even begin to wrap my brain around this

If its a conspiracy thing like everybody says, then that completely freaks me out
If its a terrorist attack, them that completely pisses me off
If its a mentally ill person, that makes me extremely sad

These kind of events affect me more than I had even imagined. Watching this unfold reminded me of 9/11 all over again
I was completely heartbroken
All the questions
The innocent people

It's so hard to digest
I wanna know what is happening
But sometimes it's just too hard to continue to watch it

I just hope that whoever did this horrific act will pay at some point

I hope that karma comes back
Seems she always does