Wednesday, May 1, 2013

pink cowboy boots

I can remember when i was young
i always wished for a little girl
one that i could play dolls with
and dress up
and we could go shopping and get our nails done

dont get me wrong
i love my two boys
with all of my heart
i am sure there is a reason i didnt have a girl

but my sister had one
and i immediately adopted her
what a hard headed little girl she was too
i would always try to brush her hair and fix it nice
and she would get so mad
and tell me to stop

she had gorgeous long curly hair
and she would never let me do anything to it
it always looked like a mop
she was always sort of a hard, tom boy, strong willed little girl
she had an older brother that constantly picked on her
and she learned early how to protect herself
and fight back
to this day, i swear she can kick his ass

but she was the only girl on our side of the family
and my oh my was she spoiled!!
i would go visit my sister often

i remember it like it was yesterday
i would go over there and try to help her out
or just hang out with her
and everytime i knocked on the door, my niece would intercept me at the door
drag me to her room
and lock the door
she would tell me Aunt Chele you are playing with me not my mommy
i want you to stay in here with me
how could i say NO??? =/
so i did
i stayed in there for a long long time
playing, watching cartoons, coloring
whatever she wanted to do
she usually came home with me
and spent the night
her and my youngest son were like brother and sister
they use to play school all the time
so cute

i still remember, and so does she, the pink pair of cowboy boots i bought her when she was about 8 years old
she wore them everywhere
for her golden birthday, she turned 9 on the 9th of December
i took her to see her favorite Disney Movie
LIVE at the Saenger Theater
i will never forget picking her up that night
she had the cutest little dress on and those pink boots
her feet were starting to get too big
but her mom said she insisted she wear them
she was so excited
so was i
i love live theater and i wanted her to witness it too

we talked and laughed the whole way
we were so excited
we found our seats
and waited
we didnt talk again except during intermission
we were both on the edge of our seats
and unable to stop staring at the stage
it was amazing
at that moment
i was 9 also

there are many moments i remember with my sisters children and my own
and this is one of them
one i will never forget
and i dont think she will either

i love her unconditionally, as i do my two nephews and my two boys
they might mess up
but i will never stop loving them

i think i might buy her a new pair of pink boots for her birthday this year
just because
<3 nbsp="" p="">

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